mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

mediocre 111.
this is the fist show where we test the live show that we will be doing every week at 9pm eastern.
thanks to and cris for setting this up.
and onto the notes:
eric tries to buy a truck.
corrections, live comments and what have you.
more damn burger talk.
dad stories.
spears death pool.
top 10 greatest cities.
technology fails me yet again.
bad boy grips the microphone.
check out the mediocre show LIVE on wednesday nights at 9pm eastern, on cringe humor radio,
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
live show line: 610.624.1702

Direct download: mediocre111.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:27pm EST