mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

recorded live 6/30/2010 at 8pm eastern on arecibo radio.
special guest troy from see you next tuesday in the studio.
happy birthday troy.
a plane full of mikes.
some toasts.
a lightning round from pegleg pete.
and the rest you'll just have to listen to find out.
mediocre listener party #1
august 14 2010
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
twitter: @themediocreshow
streaming provided by
subscribe to the scorpions of support for a chance to be a winner.
mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083

Direct download: mediocre317.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:12am EST