Thu, 14 December 2006
mediocre 68 (kid boobie toucher)
freaky undead kids at wawa. toast to ben, gnomecult. booya! we catch up with some listeners. long weekend of recording lessons in dying. martini's are super classy. wicked cold neck. justin and amy join us to listen to some puke calls more from beefy. god damnit, go buy his cd. joke tattoos still kick ass. how to make viral videos. bowling is OVER. love hate. stickers have been sent. more donations coming in. wrap up. voicemails. and secret bonus audio at the end. come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street. thanks for listening. 206.666.5900 / |