mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

mediocre120 (the day after)
recorded live on 12/26/2007 at 9pm EST
christmas wrap up.
love hate.
some news.
some other stuff.
how does a tiger just escape?
top 5.
some live callers.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre121.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

mediocre120 (bot fly)
recorded live on 12/19/2007 at 9pm EST
back after a week off.
matt's stories from Belize.
he has bugs growing inside his legs, seriously.
big thanks to the hairy trucker for the generous gift box.
we do some toasts.
lobster photo shoot.
christmas music that actually matters.
new site is coming to the mediocre show.
happy holidays.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
seriously, bot flies, gross.

Direct download: mediocre120.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:16pm EST

recorded live on 12/5/07 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio
interview with dave attell about his new comedy special on hbo and dvd.
call in and new track from bruce.
matts trip to vegas.
the first official mediocre show tattoo.
love hate.
matt defends the iphone.
give keychains for your christmas presents.
big thanks to dave attell and HBO.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre119.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:56pm EST

mediocre 118
recorded live on 11/28/07 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio.
also check out
we came into this show with no notes, and came out clean.
window treatments.
inside kids.
love hate.
smell yo dick.
keep those itunes reviews coming, spread the word of the mediocre show to your friends and family, ok maybe not your family, but your friends for sure.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre118.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:41pm EST

mediocre 117.
not recorded live this week.
but normally, catch us live every wednesday at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio.
busy weeks for everyone.
special guest on this show, TAYLOR.
the next level in taser technology that will certainly be the death of us.
keep those itunes reviews coming, we love em.
thanks for listening and have a great holiday.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre117.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:54am EST

mediocre 115.
recorded live on 11/14/07 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio
except next week, due to the holidays, but the podcast will still be up.
recap of toys for tots.
what happens when you have 50 irish pipers, no beer, 500 dollars and a taxi.
canadian film importing.
bands that don't hold up.
tv vs interwebnets.
we hit 300 itunes reviews this week, thank you for your support, keep it coming.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre116.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:55am EST

mediocre 115.
recorded live on 11/8/07 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio
still looking for those "i am the nation" calls, so keep them rolling in.
we cover a lot of great topics this week.
tour riders.
prison ladies.
love hate.
tazer love.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre115.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

mediocre 114.
recorded live on 10/31/07 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio.
it's the usual live show.
here's what you need to do to comply with matt's assignment
"i am the mediocre ... and i am the nation" call them in to 206.666.5900
it's just that easy. also, let's all try to work on our live calls to the show, script them if you have to.
another thing we could use is some itunes 5 star reviews, so get on that as well. and while you are feeling like helping out you can buy some merch or even send a donation like kate g from the UK did. afterall, we are doing this for free, and we are certainly poor.
so thanks for listening every week while we do it live, it's fun for us too.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
f dick swizzle.

Direct download: mediocre114.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:57pm EST

mediocre 113
recorded live on 10/24/2007 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio.
guess what? more trouble with gear.
callers need something to actually talk about.
usual segments.
love hate.
all that stuff.
thanks for listening live on cringe humor radio. every wednesday at 9pm.
don't miss it.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre113.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

mediocre show 112 (a new hope)
recorded live on 10/17/2007 at 9pm EST
catch the show every week at 9pm EST on cringe humor radio.
for the first half of this show there was technical trouble with the feed, so our frustration level was at an all time high. bear with it, once we fix it the show smoothes out.
corrections and such.
limited edition foods.
some callers.
some messages.
some news.
all together fun stuff.
thanks for listening live on cringe humor radio. every wednesday at 9pm.
don't miss it.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre112.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:37pm EST

mediocre 111.
this is the fist show where we test the live show that we will be doing every week at 9pm eastern.
thanks to and cris for setting this up.
and onto the notes:
eric tries to buy a truck.
corrections, live comments and what have you.
more damn burger talk.
dad stories.
spears death pool.
top 10 greatest cities.
technology fails me yet again.
bad boy grips the microphone.
check out the mediocre show LIVE on wednesday nights at 9pm eastern, on cringe humor radio,
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
live show line: 610.624.1702

Direct download: mediocre111.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:27pm EST

mediocre 110
vacation recap.
toys for tots event in philly nov. 10
taylor update.
a touch of news.
love hate.
live shows coming VERY soon.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre110.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:33am EST

mediocre 109
second show with matt joining in, taylor is still on tour.
taylor checks in for the road.
we talk some music, news, love/hate, and some hilarious tazer video.
thats it, i am going on vacation, talk to you next week.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre109.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:14am EST

mediocre 108 (the newsstand)
as we usher in this new era for the mediocre show, lets all take a minute to welcome matt, and his analog reading.
on the road with taylor.
some newsy type things.
fishing for manatees.
the nation grows large and scary.
love hates.
thanks for listening and your support.
buy some merch, seriously, buy some. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre108.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:18pm EST

mediocre 107 (happy trails)
i am not gonna ruin it and tell you what happens in this episode, so you just have to listen for yourself.
but we do have the regular stuff as always.
but no seriously, enter the contest to win a free skateboard, all it takes is just one pic.
thanks for listening, as we enter a new era. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre107.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:14pm EST

mediocre 106 (ride the bull)
movie sample courtesy of matt m, and the new halloween movie.
special guest nate joins us in the studio.
more beer from the mediocre gay miner.
taylor goes on a trip to LA, we talk about it a bunch.
jerry lewis loses his mind (mind you it's been gone for a while.)
top 5.
love hate.
thanks for listening. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre106.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

mediocre 105 (still raining)
beverages brought to you by chet from Utah.
we got some news.
we got some audio clips.
everything you have come to expect from us.
we announce a new listener contest.
thanks for supporting us. / 206.666.5900
have you seen our trucker buddy?

Direct download: mediocre105.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:01pm EST

mediocre 104 (donkey show)
several toasts.
wawa is better than sheetz.
best sandwiches in the world.
dept. store music.
washed up bands.
bob's vacation.
who robs nuns?
boner dust.
we have ruined a year of TB's life.
motorcycle wreck.
it took us over 100 shows, but we have a donkey show witness.
spelunk, yeah i said it.
thanks for listening. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre104.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:40am EST

mediocre 103 (make it rain)
no, not chocolate rain.
little people big taylor.
bike fun.
how to fix the worms.
make it rain.
love hate.
happy birthday trucker buddy.
thanks for listening
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre103.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

mediocre 102.
we took a personal day, so what?
dual toasts.
eric was a guest on the awful show.
raffle drawing.
camera nerd talk.
who gets the job? not ian zering.
top 5.
little people, big DUI conviction.
getting old.
tv time.
the hot fuzz.
trucker buddy.
the one key lifestyle.
gay dudes are into taylor's business.
some advice.
motorcycle safety.
buy some merch. seriously, do it.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre102.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:31am EST

mediocre 101 (the rest)
this is the rest of the recap from 51-99
we brought matt in for this one.
thanks again to everyone who supported us through 100 episodes, all the other shows, all the listeners, and everyone, if we forgot you, it's not our fault, i am a forgetful jerk.
time is running down to enter the raffle so you better get on it.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre101.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:19am EST

mediocre 100 (the first 50)
we made it to 100, despite all odds.
thanks to all the members of the mediocre nation. all the active and casual listeners who have made this trip worth it.
this is the first half of the recap series. we play some clips from the first 50 episodes of the mediocre show. sit back and remember the good times. thanks for listening to us for all these shows. we'll try to give you 100 more, ya dirty sex perverts.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre100.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:54pm EST

mediocre 99 (red balloons)
turns out, taylor doesn't like to sing at all.
congrats to kevin and his lady.
we call glenn.
canada love.
10 years.
travel stories from TB and denmark larry.
hyphy is actually awesome.
pittsburgh is in trouble.
pro eater has a career ending injury.
send us some love for ep100.
enter the raffle, more awesome prizes being added every week.
leave us more reviews on itunes, we need em. / 206.666.5900
oh canada from justin in TN.

Direct download: mediocre99.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:36am EST

mediocre 98 (open arms)
in the highly anticipated episode 98 of the mediocre show, our heros eric and taylor fight evil and wrongdoing, as they have for the last 97 episodes, however this time, there is a fork in the road. see who gets voted off this week, and who moves on to the semi finals to compete for the title. the title of what you ask? quite frankly i'm not sure, but rest assured, it's exciting, like, you totally have a huge boner just thinking about it. rock solid. people will write sonnets about this majestic beast. perhaps a broadway musical, i can say without a doubt it'll be the new "git er done" every truck stop will stock a shirt with it on there. you won't be able to ignore it, but why would you, it'll change your life, FOR THE BETTER. but yeah, here's the new show. stop thinking about your boner, and grow up. / 206.666.5900
go to the website and enter the raffle for a brand new engraved ipod nano and other great prizes.

Direct download: mediocre98.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:20pm EST

mediocre 97 (raffle time)
2 special toasts.
mr wizard dies, dead, and bill nye is a kid toucher.
taylor's big bike trip.
eric's short but way awesome bike trip.
congrats to woody and sam!!!
the drunkest mom of all time.
the gay bomb.
punching ferrets.
trucker buddy.
the mediocre show raffle is under way. first prize is a mediocre nation engraved ipod nano, a powdercoated mini brass knuckle keychain, and a t shirt. other prizes to be announced later. check out for the details.
thanks for listening.
wear your helmets. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre97.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:25am EST

mediocre 96 (junk riders)
it's been a few weeks. you know that, we know that, let's get past it.
we had some computer trouble. hardware/software/then hardware again.
it's not as though we took a vacation, in fact it has been more stressful than normal for us. so, it seems as though you survived the time without it, and for that i applaud you.
now, on to the business:
as you can imagine, we had quite a backlog of voicemails. we do our best to wade our way through them. we also had a special guest on the show, by the name of alex, he's a tattoo artist.
also, we had some corrections.
some beautiful singing from the mediocre nation.
some confessions, and believe it or not, that took over 2 hours. so i guess we'll save the love/hates, and trucker buddy for episode 97. which will be coming when taylor gets back from riding his new motorcycle from arizona to portland.
thanks for sticking with us, and we have some exciting announcements coming very soon. but in the meantime you should donate to the show so we can get some new gear and avoid delays like this in the future.
call us, we miss you as much as you missed us.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre96.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:33pm EST

mediocre 95 (summertime)
the nation, might not be the best singers.
top 5.
some people you have been missing recently.
longest bike ride ever.
love/ hate
new promo from the awful show
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre95.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:10pm EST

mediocre 94 (mothers day)
this show is dedicated to hesham, and his mom. you are in our thoughts. be strong.
this is a special episode dedicated to mothers all across the mediocre nation. we love our moms, and your moms, and moms in general. so happy mothers day from us at the mediocre show. thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre94.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:04pm EST

mediocre 93.
toast to dan and lex.
some news.
the sad state of affairs for the youth.
build a fort, dick.
love hate.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre93.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:02pm EST

mediocre 92 (R2retard)
perkin's grandma.
taylor's mom.
eric's mom.
lots of moms.
and some news.
some internet myths.
some love hate.
some good times.
have you mom or your grandma call in, or call in a nice message for them.
thanks for listening. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre92.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

mediocre 91.
it's the same old business you love.
special guest nick from lessons in dying.
news and stuff.
please go to the mediocre store and buy some merch. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre91.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:22pm EST

mediocre 90 (saving the world one episode at a time)
cable dating with klint.
most expensive belt EVER.
always keep your receipt.
minnesota moment.
old people have lost their damn minds.
DNA is ruining everything.
dear myspace attention whores.
home dentistry.
what what?
love hate.
thanks for listening. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre90.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:55am EST

mediocre 89 (dear ohio)
amazing intro songs.
what happened to taylor last week.
just a small town girl.
the unharshed mellow is back
open letter to ohio.
hell of a weekend in philly.
taylor drinks too much if you ask me.
it's a new record!
now thats an appetizer.
brazilian metal karaoke.
call them out.
hang on for sundays show, it'll be a wild ride.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /
ps. buy some merch from us, and leave us a 5 star review on itunes.

Direct download: mediocre89.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:29pm EST

mediocre 88 (digital pants mammal)
taylor hurt his back, so scott tomorrow is sitting in for this one. taylor will be back and we will resume 2 shows a week starting with episode 89.
big ups to LC and timmy on getting older.
the sad state of television.
including the glory days when Mr. T was king.
something is horribly wrong in atlanta.
some music from kenny masters to cleanse the pallet.
the super quick version of the news
shanty or not a shanty?
tons of confessions, you people are seriously sick. like, it kinda freaks me out.
dropping bikes sucks
but buy eric's motorcycle anyway so he can get his new harley. seriously, fully running bike, inspected in PA, only 1,000 bucks.
buy some damn merch from the website, we are poor. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre88.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:44am EST

mediocre 87 (the crunchy hairs)
toast to taylor's spirit animal.
the promo of the century by .
gas pump concerts.
eric does not understand drug terms at all.
seatards are making a comeback.
jesus vs satan.
dear rednecks.
a mediocre nod to the catholic church.
please leave us some reviews on itunes, the christian comedy podcast is beating us again, what the crap is that about?
big shout out to paul from south philly for the new drops.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 / .
be safe out there on your bikes, seriously.

Direct download: mediocre87.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:10am EST

mediocre 86 (the florida of europe)
how to name your baby.
sweet dog action.
kids bone down.
other kids need a skillset.
trucker buddy.
cern fails.
love/ hate
this episode is a bit shorter than normal. but it's all good.
thanks for listening / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre86.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

mediocre 85 (more sniz)
a christmas story.
the karate dog.
what's wrong with society.
tour of doom/how to almost kill a canadian.
real life police academy in philly.
more messages about taylor.
disney sex scandal.
who are you chasing?
who bites their wives?
and a bunch of other stuff.
please head to the website and pick yourself up some mediocre nation gear. t shirts, stickers, and keychains shipping now.
also, please leave us a nice 5 star review on itunes.
tell all your friends about the show, and teach them how to download it. / 206.666.5900
and again, we are kinda sorry. kinda. but not really.

Direct download: mediocre85.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:09am EST

mediocre 84(weird in the pants)
recent events recap.
some requests.
inside kids revisited.
matt's car history.
music industry rant.
cable dating.
93 pounds of panties.
uncle eddie.
more florida news.
trucker buddy.
porn defacement.
wild cherry projectile vomiting.
love hate.
wrap up.
thanks for sticking with us.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre84.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:17am EST

mediocre 83 (seriously?)
toast to chim/ be safe on your motorcycles.
mediocre tour call from the road.
vd is for everybody.
pizza party.
babies or ex girlfriends.
tattoo ban.
band: the fire still burns
top 5.
sleep troubles.
um, VERY interesting ENDing.
new format starting this week.
thanks for 83 great episodes.
206.666.5900 /
eric still dj's every sunday at the khyber in philly, 10 bucks all you can drink.

Direct download: mediocre83.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:09pm EST

mediocre 82 (so tired)
i'll write some notes later. just thought i'd get this up real quick.

Direct download: mediocre82.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:28am EST

mediocre 81 (ping pong anyone?)
special guest matt w. in the studio.
hot sauce peehole.
focus groups.
tongue bangin chicken.
lemonade beer.
breakfast burritos.
new products.
old ladies need to get it.
mature porn.
where you shouldn't hide your drugs.
you should always have a designated driver, even if it's a mythical beast.
trucker buddy.
love hate.
seriously, go to and support beefy, router, and doc pop.
and then after that hit up the mediocre show website and buy some gear.
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre81.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

mediocre 80 (better late than never?)
taylor is not sorry.
toasts to robyn from the chevre show and sto jr. from puckertime.
ways to get thrown in jail, with special guest fat scott.
joe's cop story.
taylor abuses cats.
sarah checks in.
cheese in the mail?
i guess rachel needs a new name.
bit of a bummer.
the mediocre nation is a bunch of sex perverts.
hot peppers on the balls.
some news.
wisconsin is worse than florida.
the big TB reveal.
happy birthday to jenny.
album art for episode 80 by jess in canada
we need your itunes reviews.
keep it posi.

come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre80.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:38am EST

mediocre 79
back with all the gear.
tattoo weekends.
pastry assult.
new segment: mediocre nation confessions.
stripper training kit.
who would you handcuff yourself to?
porn church.
trucker buddy, the week before the votes are counted.
clown massacre.
moped film.
prohibition era wine.
detroit still sucks.
wawa still is better than everything.
go to the site and buy merch. t shirts are out.
baby pit fighting.
wasted at downtown disney.
eave us reviews on itunes, we got screwed.
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.

206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre79.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:13pm EST

mediocre 78 (lost data)
this show was hard to get through without the gear we are used to.
but it wasn't a total loss.
mediocre show keychains are out. they are mini brass knuckle bottle openers, milled from 6061 aluminum. and they are amazing. so get over to and click the store link and order one, or seven or however many you want.
t shirts are coming next week.
some news
cable dating.
wonderful amazing by beefy.
a wonderful phone message.
seriously, we'll be back on top of our game soon enough, relax.
go to and order some stuff from the store.
thanks for all the support. / 206.666.5900
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.

Direct download: mediocre78.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

mediocre 77 (spilling the runny load)
juggolo nation!
is bk geoff ok?
go ahead try to challenge us about music.
no more phone numbers.
anna nicole's baby's daddy.
runny loads.
black hole scariness.
canadian hooker sausage.
cable dating.
trucker buddy.
exciting new products.
custom ringtones.
love/ hate.
the khyber is back. come on out.
leave us reviews on itunes, we got screwed.
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /
Direct download: mediocre77.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:02am EST

mediocre 76 (...dead in the ground)
toast to pete and kevin.
doctors and scientists.
toughest 65 year old EVER.
only in LA.
easy baked arm.
the 20 year retard.
cable dating doubleshot.
more 311 reactions.
DC and taylor 2 dope.
TB steps up the hard way.
the funny comes from the basement.
Q and A with taylor.
dangerous ipods.
love hate.
more preston and steve.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /
Direct download: mediocre76.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:07am EST

mediocre 75
why is taylor so sick?
josey grossey.
sexy voices.
make those damn calls.
mushmouth jesse:607.222.9497
router's phone number 817 881 4488
mo nick 314.603.2707
matt from the uk 07988674190
aids gel.
kill babies plates.
top 5.
mummy baby.
flipper mom.
some school news.
mediocre drinking game.
journey with paul.
trucker buddy.
cable dating.
thanks for checking us out.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre75.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:11am EST

mediocre 74 (respect your roots)
you guessed it. we had to do a bit of a clip show due to taylor having a 102 fever.
from episode 21, which was over a year ago, we have some clips with tibber.
NEW CONTENT: take a trip with greg across the country.
clip from episode 73 with tory.
NEW CONTENT: trucker buddy.
NEW CONTENT: love/hate.
early TB clip, actually the second message we ever got from him.
the first cable dating we ever did.
NEW CONTENT: show end voicemails.
thanks for listening, back to a normal show next week.
206.666.5900 /
Direct download: mediocre74.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:28am EST

mediocre 73 (live show).
no real need for notes, except that there is bonus audio from the after show chat in skype after the voicemails.
thanks to everyone who tuned in.
there are some phone numbers in this show for you to call, so get a pen, and start calling.
beefy:509.308.5695 mushmouth jesse:607.222.9497 matt:215.370.2303 booyah.
Direct download: mediocre73.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:23pm EST

mediocre 72 (propcicles? fair enough.)
stickers have all shipped, if you want some you better get on it, they are almost gone.
weekly corrections.
tory needs a name.
state farm is screwed.
football update.
what's wrong with youtube.
"big storm"
insane news.
router's phone number 817 881 4488
love hate.
we get a bit political.
some plugs.
live show #73 wed. 1/17/07 at 10 pm eastern. for more information go to
special thanks to bk geoff for being a good sport about the bet we made for the show opener.
send presents for eric's birthday next week.
as a new years gift, you should totally write us a review on itunes.
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /
Direct download: mediocre72.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:54am EST

mediocre 71 (rabbit rabbit)
taylor ruins the first toast of the new year.
freedom comes at a price.
voicemails and corrections.
taylor and eric get hyphy.
sadam, and a top 5.
youtube lameness.
never trust a redhead.
new years advertising.
christmas gifts.
new stuff coming soon.
happy new year.
the triumphant return of trucker buddy.
rob and big.
eric is still wearing shorts.
love hate.
a tiny bit of football talk.
nerdcore show coming in march to portland.
khyber is back.
send presents for eric's birthday.
as a new years gift, you should totally write us a review on itunes.
come to the khyber pub in philly on sunday nights to listen to eric dj, and drink as much as you can for only 10 bucks. 56 s. second street.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /
Direct download: mediocre71.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:57am EST