recorded 10/6/10 at 8pm eastern on arecibo radio.
Adjective: Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
old b and e.
no rabbit rabbit.
evil kenevil of tiny go karts.
jeff vice gets a little randy.
aww shucks.
no fanfare?
matt's text:
I'm glad that your team has one small victory. I hope that has sustained you through years of abject pity and what can only be expected to be years of continued irrelevance. It must be nice for you to have one victory with a quarterback that won't be there in 2 years, for a team run by a meglamoniacal imbecile, who will not EVER have a viaible team due to his meddling. Your team Is the goofus to the cowboys gallant. I hope this win will sustain you through your lack of a playoff run, you won nothing, it was used to you by our temporarily inept team. Happy day. F*** your life.
**dickies jackets in the store NOW!**
hoodies to follow.
thank you to all the new scorpions of support.
thanks for listening. (i really do mean that.)
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
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mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083
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-- posted at: 10:15am EST