mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

mediocre 109
second show with matt joining in, taylor is still on tour.
taylor checks in for the road.
we talk some music, news, love/hate, and some hilarious tazer video.
thats it, i am going on vacation, talk to you next week.
thanks for listening.
206.666.5900 /

Direct download: mediocre109.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:14am EST

mediocre 108 (the newsstand)
as we usher in this new era for the mediocre show, lets all take a minute to welcome matt, and his analog reading.
on the road with taylor.
some newsy type things.
fishing for manatees.
the nation grows large and scary.
love hates.
thanks for listening and your support.
buy some merch, seriously, buy some. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre108.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:18pm EST

mediocre 107 (happy trails)
i am not gonna ruin it and tell you what happens in this episode, so you just have to listen for yourself.
but we do have the regular stuff as always.
but no seriously, enter the contest to win a free skateboard, all it takes is just one pic.
thanks for listening, as we enter a new era. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre107.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:14pm EST

mediocre 106 (ride the bull)
movie sample courtesy of matt m, and the new halloween movie.
special guest nate joins us in the studio.
more beer from the mediocre gay miner.
taylor goes on a trip to LA, we talk about it a bunch.
jerry lewis loses his mind (mind you it's been gone for a while.)
top 5.
love hate.
thanks for listening. / 206.666.5900

Direct download: mediocre106.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:30pm EST