mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

recorded live 11/26/08 at 9pm eastern on cringe humor radio.
special 4 hour show broken down into 2 parts.
many guests.
many beers.
many drunk asses at ice station zebra.
make sure you download part 2 as well.
please leave us some 5 star reviews on itunes, we like them.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
streaming provided by
go to the contest section and enter the noss challenge. seriously we need some more stuff.
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.
mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083

Direct download: mediocre195.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:50am EST

make sure you listen to the first half of the live show (ep 195) before you listen to this. otherwise it won't make any sense.
Direct download: mediocre194.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:26am EST

guest host matt d.
check out his website with awesome poster art
and buy some stuff.
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.
remember how we were asking you guys to leave us 5 star reviews on itunes? well here i am asking again. please leave us some 5 star reviews.

Direct download: mediocre193.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:31am EST

recorded live 11/19/08 at 9pm eastern on cringe humor radio.
the complete demise of the english language.
truffle oil.
toys for tots wrap up.
the new mediocre show PO box
mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083
send us presents.
and presents for the children.
matt punishes a caller.
please leave us some 5 star reviews on itunes, we like them.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
streaming provided by
go to the contest section and enter the noss challenge. seriously we need some more stuff.
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.

Direct download: mediocre192.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:41am EST

eric tomorrow's old school hip hop edition.
great stuff from the 90's.
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.
remember how we were asking you guys to leave us 5 star reviews on itunes? well here i am asking again. please leave us some 5 star reviews.

Direct download: mediocre191.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:44am EST

recorded live 11/12/08 at 9pm eastern on cringe humor radio.
vitamin water.
clooney's fat pool boy.
toasts throughout the length of the show.
long week recaps.
lots of nutty callers.
love hate.
the return of masturbot.
the universal truths about high school.
please leave us some 5 star reviews on itunes, we like them.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
streaming provided by
go to the contest section and enter the noss challenge. seriously we need some more stuff.
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.

Direct download: mediocre190.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:41am EST

cobra commander edition.
sorry this is a day late, but it's worth the wait.
this six pack sent in by cobra.
it is, in fact, the longest six pack in mediocre history.
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.
remember how we were asking you guys to leave us 5 star reviews on itunes? well here i am asking again. please leave us some 5 star reviews.

Direct download: mediocre189.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:08am EST

recorded live 11/5/08 at 9pm eastern on cringe humor radio, in the city of champions.
back after a long break.
philadelphia wins the world series.
obama wins.
the mediocre nation wins.
it's a celebration bitches.
we settle an argument.
broken puke guts.
it's good to be back.
geek like me by the wonderstrucks
go buy their music on itunes, they rule.
please leave us some 5 star reviews on itunes, we like them.
thanks for listening.
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
streaming provided by
go to the contest section and enter the noss challenge. seriously we need some more stuff.
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.
goodnight utah.

Direct download: mediocre188.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:46am EST

six pack with eric tomorrow.
remember to get out there and vote tomorrow.
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
don't forget to go to and enter "tattoo" in the checkout to get a great discount.

Direct download: mediocre187.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:24am EST