mediocre show (video and audio)
Since 2005 The mediocre show has been bringing you independent talk radio that is strikingly average.

recorded live 8/26/10 at 8pm EST on arecibo radio.
mike makes a strange connection between 2 groups.
*the statements made by mike do not reflex those of the mediocre show as a whole or it's advertisers*
jeff vice and his stories about movies.
it's not a tuna.
7200 swordfish.
kentucky is not exotic.
how much could an autographed copy of the fast and the furious script really cost?
there's always hope.
please come to the rib cookoff on 9/11 in philadelphia
thank you to all the new scorpions of support.
thanks for listening. (i really do mean that.)
live call in number: 610.624.1702
voicemail line: 206.666.5900
twitter: @themediocreshow
streaming provided by
subscribe to the scorpions of support for a chance to be a winner.
mediocre show
PO box 1587
havertown, PA 19083

Direct download: mediocre330.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:07pm EST